Today I’m going to share with you 5 things to declutter throughout your home, for the New Year.
Decluttering your home is not only stress relieving, but it also helps decrease the amount of inventory you have to keep up with throughout your home. I decided to start with 5 things to declutter, keeping this simple and easy for you. Decluttering can seem daunting to some people, I get it. The idea of going through your home trying to make endless decisions on items, can seem very overwhelming. Decision fatigue is a real thing, I know the feeling well, which is a partly why I am a minimalist…LOL.
Furthermore, brew yourself a nice, hot cup of coffee, grab a paper sack or empty box, and lets get decluttering.
1. Shoes/Clothes
The first thing out of the 5 things to declutter in your home, is your shoes and clothes. Surprisingly, this is the number one place people face an amazing amount of decision fatigue every morning when getting dressed. Remove all items that are stained, old, ripped, worn out, too small, clothes you no longer reach for or bring you joy. Just by eliminating these few things will greatly decrease the amount of shoes/clothing you will have lying around taking up space.
2. Toys/Baby Stuff
The second thing out of the 5 things to declutter in your home, is toys and baby stuff. After having children, my husband and I quickly realized how fast you accumulate baby stuff. With generous family members, baby showers, holidays, birthdays, etc.. constantly giving us all the baby and kid things; we started to get overwhelmed by how much we had consumed in our home in such a short period.
Simply, doing a quick purge of unnecessary one purpose toys, broken toys, missing pieces, etc… will greatly affect your homes environment. As well as, all the cleaning and picking up of toys throughout your home, will be significantly less.
3. Paper Clutter
The third thing out of the 5 things to declutter, is paper clutter. I recently filmed a video on this subject over on my channel, you can watch here. I talk about how you can find simple solutions to end the paper craziness we all face when opening mail, dealing with random unwanted paper, etc…
One simple tip I can give you now is, deal with it right then, and there. Don’t wait till its a mile high on your counter top, or your junk drawer is overflowing with all the junk mail. Procrastination is the enemy in the world of paper clutter. Here are some small actions you can take now: shred what needs to be shredded, open and toss junk mail, throw out whatever isn’t necessary. I have such relief from going through and dealing with all our paper clutter, and I hope you will too.
4. Silverware/Eating Utensils
The fourth thing, out of the 5 things to declutter, is silverware. I want to shout this from the rooftops, to all you who have drawers and sets of silverware… GET RID OF SOME. Have you ever wondered why you have so many peices of silverware? Well we did.
Quickly, my husband, and I realized afer we eliminated the amount of silverware being used, we had… less dishes to wash. Unfortunately, the act of grabbing another fork, spoon, knife; everytime we ate, left us with an overwhelming moutain of silverware everytime we washed the dishes. This one has been a huge game changer for our family.
5. Coffee Mugs
Lastly, the fifth thing, out of the 5 things to declutter, is coffee mugs. I know this one isn’t fun for some of you, I get it. I used to be a coffee mug hoarder, owning all the latest Anthropologie, Pottery Barn, vintage/thrifted mugs, a girl could want. But let me tell you, if you are wanting to simplify and declutter your home, this one is very necessary.
I decluttered in a video here, all the coffee mugs we owned. Narrowing it down to only… four. I know that isn’t a lot, but Joshua Becker says it best in this video here. When we have enough of something, and we get to the point of being able to constantly reach for more, then we have too many.
Thanks for stopping by, be sure to check out my latest post here.
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